gray hair, kidney health, liver qi, premature gray hair, traditional chinese medicine

How to Treat Premature Gray Hair

Premature gray hair is a common phenomenon. But what causes it? According to traditional Chinese medicine, premature gray hair is a warning sign of the body. It usually indicates that the kidney qi is on the decline. The most common causes of premature gray hair are:  Lack of sleep Stress Unbalanced diet  Overwork Obesity  Smoking ...

Hermann Rohr

Woman beginning to get premature gray hair.

Chinese Traditional Medicine: Taking Care of Health During the Spring

According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), every change in the universe and human body occurs in five stages that are linked with a specific season as well as organs in the body. Spring is seen as the beginning of a new cycle of life and a time for rejuvenation. It is represented by the wood ...

Emma Lu

A bluebird in spring.