aurora, magnetosphere, mystery, new discoveries, steve

Mysterious STEVE Light Emissions Emanate From Earth’s Magnetosphere

For years, amateur aurora watchers from Canada have noticed mysterious streaks of pale purple and green light that seemed to dance across the nighttime sky. But it wasn’t until 2016 that they shared their colorful images with scientists, who soon identified the light show as a new type of upper-atmosphere phenomenon that was jokingly named ...

Troy Oakes


More Known on Magnetic Fields That Surround the Earth and Other Planets

Vast rings of electrically charged particles encircle the Earth and other planets. Now, a team of scientists has completed research into waves that travel through this magnetic field, an electrically charged environment, known as the magnetosphere, deepening our understanding of the region and its interaction with our own planet, and opening up new ways to ...

Troy Oakes

Eun-Hwa Kim.