anti-rightist movement, cultural revolution, ma lianliang, mao zedong, peking opera, red guards

The Superstitious Side of China’s Leaders: Mao Zedong and the Jilin Meteor Shower

In the annals of history, the line between superstition and prophecy can sometimes appear blurred, especially when viewed through the lens of significant historical events. This was particularly evident in the case of Mao Zedong, a leader known for his adherence to Marxist atheism, yet one who couldn’t escape the ancient Chinese belief in the ...

Max Lu

A meteor shower.

The Superstitious Side of Mao Zedong: A Glimpse Into the Mystical Practices of China’s Former Leader

Mao Zedong, the founder of the People’s Republic of China, is often remembered for his communist ideologies and revolutionary practices. However, a lesser-known aspect of Mao’s life might surprise many, particularly those familiar with the history of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Let’s delve into Mao’s intriguing relationship with superstition and the mystical events surrounding ...

Max Lu

Mao Zedong.

The Cultural Revolution: An Attempt to Crush Humanity in China

The Cultural Revolution began as a campaign against political subtexts in culture in the mid-1960s. It quickly grew into a mass movement of millions of students who targeted the perceived enemies of communism. This movement would cause significant damage and disruption across China for years. The Great Leap Foward was about misery and death Chairman ...

Jack Roberts

Red guards and students waving Mao's 'Little Red Book.'

The Truth Behind the Fall of Actress Shangguan Yunzhu

The name Shangguan Yunzhu is not well known to Western audiences. In her homeland of China, she was an illustrious movie star who first became popular in Shanghai. She enjoyed a period of artistic limelight like stars arching over the moon. She was once considered one of the elites and the glamorous set. She was ...

Michael Segarty

Shangguan Yunzhu.