mars, mars colonization, outer space

Solar Beats Nuclear at Many Potential Settlement Sites on Mars

The high efficiency, light weight, and flexibility of the latest solar cell technology mean photovoltaics could provide all the power needed for an extended mission to Mars, or even a permanent settlement there, according to a new analysis by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley. Most scientists and engineers who’ve thought about the logistics ...

Troy Oakes


Will the History of Mars Repeat Itself on Earth?

What is the Mars connection to Earth? Is there life on Mars? More than half a century after astronaut Neil Armstrong took man’s historic first steps on the Moon, another space race is heating up. This time, man is aiming to set foot on Mars. What kind of planet is Mars to you? Is there ...

Believe It Or Not

Mars and Earth.

Why Terraforming Mars May Not Be Possible

Colonizing Mars has long been a much-cherished dream of mankind ever since human beings started exploring space. However, a new paper seems to quash such hopes as it says that terraforming Mars might just be impossible. Terraforming Mars Terraforming means the modification of a planet’s temperature, surface, and atmosphere to make it suitable for human ...

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SpaceX Starship.

What Happens When You Die on Mars?

Death is inevitable. All things come to an end, as they say. And what comes from the earth, will always go back to its embrace. But what if, perchance, you were qualified to go on a voyage to one of the closest neighbors in our solar system — Mars? Say you had lived for a ...

Armin Auctor

A spacecraft landing on Mars.

Space Radiation: Fungi From Chernobyl Might Save Astronauts

In space, astronauts often live with the risk of being exposed to too much radiation, which could cause severe damage to their long-term health. Researchers have discovered a strain of fungus that might help resolve this issue. This particular fungus, called Cryptococcus neoformans, apparently has the ability to feed on radiation and was discovered at ...

Armin Auctor

An astronaut on a space walk.

Mars Terraforming Not Possible Using Present-Day Technology

Science fiction writers have long featured terraforming, the process of creating an Earth-like or habitable environment on another planet, in their stories. Scientists themselves have proposed terraforming to enable the long-term colonization of Mars. A solution common to both groups is to release carbon dioxide gas trapped in the Martian surface to thicken the atmosphere ...

Troy Oakes

Here’s How a Bacteria Could Help Us Breathe on Mars

One of the most daring dreams of the human race has been to set up a colony on Mars. But the fact that the red planet does not have a breathable environment has always dampened man’s spirit. However, a team of scientists has now found a novel way to solve this problem — they have ...

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