dietary choices, eco-friendly food, health benefits, meat alternatives, meat substitutes, nutritional information, plant-based meats, sustainable eating, vegan proteins, vegetarian options

The Growing Trend of Plant-Based Meats: A Health-Conscious Choice

Many people worldwide are becoming increasingly concerned about their health and cautious of what they consume. People are moving away from animal meats to plant-based meats in their quest to stay healthy. Some people consume plant-based meats for ethical, religious, and health reasons, while others consume them purely by choice.  Recent research has underscored the potential ...

Nathan Machoka

Grilled soy burgers on a plate with sliced tomatoes and cucumbers.

How High Meat Prices are Pushing Consumers Away

Meat, including beef, pork, and chicken, is a staple food in countries with more substantial buying power. However, in less fortunate countries, high meat prices are slowly pushing consumers away. While the vegan movement has shown that people can live without meat, this still only represents a small segment of society. Unfortunately, this means that ...

Mike West

Cubes of meat.