character, complaining, explaining, men vs women, virtues

The Traditional Masculine Code: Complaining and Explaining

Today, a growing section of society depends on sketchy Instagram posts, Whatsapp memes, and cringingly superficial TikTok clips to understand what is required from a male to be regarded as an acceptable cog in the everyday social machinery. Complaining and feeling the need to explain yourself are not acceptable to others. Some of the stereotypical ...

Armin Auctor

A man looking at a sunset.

How Women Invest Differently Compared to Men

Men and women have different preferences in almost every aspect of their life, whether it be the jobs they choose, the TV programs they like, the books they read, and so on. This is true in the case of investment as well. Investing differently The underlying factors that influence women to invest tend to be ...

Armin Auctor

A woman holding a handful of money. of money.