cognitive boost, depression treatment, environmental awareness, forest therapy, immune system, mental health, mood enhancement, nature healing, physical activity, sleep quality, , stress relief

The Gift of Forest Therapy: A Respite for Mental Health

In today’s fast-paced, high-stress world, finding effective treatments for mental health conditions like depression has never been more critical. Traditional therapies, including talk therapy and medication, are commonplace. However, an alternative, forest therapy, is garnering attention due to its unique approach and benefits. This article delves into the history, fundamentals, and myriad benefits of forest ...

Viena Abdon

Asian female outdoors in the park smiling with her arms raised.

Scientific Proof: Telling the Truth Promotes Good Health!

Is it possible that being honest and truthful can lead to good health? Well, there is actually scientific proof that this is indeed the case! Anita E. Kelly, a professor of psychology at the University of Notre Dame, led a project called the Science of Honesty. In this simple study, 72 healthy adults were randomly ...

Tatiana Denning

Illustration of a heart and a line drawing of an ekg with a regular heart rythm superimposed on an image of a stethoscope.

Practical Strategies for Handling Chronic Complainers in Your Life

Managing relationships with chronic complainers can be an arduous task. Such individuals seem to find faults even in the most perfect circumstances. Their persistent negativity can profoundly affect personal and professional environments, dampening morale, heightening stress levels, and stifling progress. Who are chronic complainers? Chronic complainers express their dissatisfaction, disappointment, and frustration persistently, often tainting ...

Mike West

Girl complaining or having an angry conversation with her friend.

Honesty Is the Best Policy: Strategies to Help You Stop Lying

Lying, an act we have all engaged in at some point, can sometimes evolve from occasional fibs into a damaging habit. Once lying becomes chronic, it can significantly harm relationships, personal integrity, and even your mental health. But recognizing this habit is the first step toward change. If you find yourself tangled in a web ...

Mike West

Woman with doubtful expression listening to friend talking at a table.

9 Practical Steps to Cultivating Patience

Living in a fast-paced world where immediate results are the norm, cultivating patience has become more challenging, yet increasingly essential. The virtue of being patient, often admired yet seldom practiced, plays a significant role in maintaining your mental health, managing stress, and fostering healthier relationships. This article aims to shed light on the causes of ...

Nathan Machoka

An upset man talking on the phone.

6 Tips to Conquer Your Fears the Healthy Way

Fear is a normal reaction that helps people avoid dangerous situations or encounters. In instances where fears, you experience physiological responses — flight or fight — that support you in making the safer choice. The physiological arousals that accompany fear include tensing of the muscles, increased blood flow, rapid heart rate, and more. Your body’s ...

Nathan Machoka

Shattering your fears.

Help for Depression: The Power of Trying Something New Every Day

Depression is a common, yet complex mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The search for effective treatments is ongoing, with an array of options ranging from psychotherapy and medication to lifestyle changes and self-help strategies. One approach that is garnering attention is the idea of trying something new each day to alleviate ...

Nathan Machoka

Silhouettes of a happy family jumping into the air at the beach with the ocean and seagulls in the background.

Harnessing the Power of Meditation: A Neuroscientist’s Insight

In a TED Talk, a renowned neuroscientist shared her personal experience with meditation. She revealed that after practicing meditation for a few weeks, she became more peaceful, handled life’s challenges more effectively, exhibited greater compassion and tolerance, and gained a heightened ability to perceive issues from others’ perspectives, attributing these changes to the power of ...

Mikel Davis

Smiling woman sitting on a yoga mat with her hands pressed together.

How to Properly Relax and Rest Your Brain

Do you often get more tired the more you sleep? Even after eight hours of sleep, you still feel tired. This is because your brain has not appropriately rested. Therefore, you must be aware of three proper resting methods, and when you’ve put them into practice, you will look good and be full of energy! 3 ...

Trisha Haddock

A man yawning.

Financial Stress Can Affect Your Mental Health

Financial stress is affecting people in many different ways. Some are struggling to pay bills, feed the family, or maintain a place to live. Others are meeting their basic needs, but are dipping into their savings for extras. Financial stress is increasing and, understandably, is causing some distress. In recent months, Lifeline [Australian Crisis Support ...

Troy Oakes

A couple stand in the grocery store looking at their receipt with shocked expressions on their faces.