artistic collaboration, astronomy, celestial bodies, cosmic symphony, live performance, milky way, music, sonification, space travel

Harmonizing the Cosmos: The Mesmerizing Sound of the Milky Way

The Milky Way is a breathtaking example of the wonders of cosmic creation within the vast and mysterious realm of the cosmos. The Milky Way’s music has been discovered by scientists and artists alike as they have investigated additional sensory qualities of the galaxy beyond the visual spectacle.  This article will take readers on a ...

Viena Abdon

The spiral Milky Way Galaxy.

Galactic Odyssey: Exploring the Timeless Wonders of the Milky Way

In the grand tapestry of the cosmos, there exists a celestial wonder that has captured the imagination of humanity for eons — the Milky Way. Spanning vast stretches of the night sky, this cosmic masterpiece is more than just a distant spiral of stars. The Milky Way is humanity’s heavenly home, a beacon of mystery ...

Viena Abdon

A woman looking up at the Milky Way.

Unraveling the Mystery of the Milky Way’s Satellite Galaxies

Astronomers say they have solved an outstanding problem that challenged our understanding of how the universe evolved — the spatial distribution of faint satellite galaxies orbiting the Milky Way. These satellite galaxies exhibit a bizarre alignment — they seem to lie on an enormous thin rotating plane — called the “plane of satellites.” This seemingly ...

Troy Oakes

The Milky Way Galaxy over the ocean.

Milky Way’s Graveyard of Dead Stars Found

The first map of the “galactic underworld” — a chart of the corpses of once massive suns that have since collapsed into black holes and neutron stars — has revealed a graveyard that stretches three times the height of the Milky Way and that almost a third of the objects have been flung out from ...

Troy Oakes

The Milky Way galaxy.

Deep Dive Into the Dusty Milky Way

An animated dive into the dusty Milky Way reveals the outlines of our galaxy taking shape as we look out further and further from Earth. Based on new data from an interactive tool that exploits data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission and other space science data sets, astronomers have created an animation to ...

Troy Oakes

The dusty Milky Way

Unveiling a Century-Old Mystery: Where the Milky Way’s Cosmic Rays Come From

where the Milky Way’s cosmic rays come from is a step closer to being revealed. Astronomers have succeeded for the first time in quantifying the proton and electron components of cosmic rays in a supernova remnant. At least 70 percent of the very-high-energy gamma rays emitted from cosmic rays are due to relativistic protons, according ...

Troy Oakes

The Milky Way galaxy.

Organic Molecules Offer Clues About Dying Stars and Outskirts of the Milky Way

University of Arizona researchers have observed, in unprecedented detail and spatial resolution, organic molecules in planetary nebulae, or the aftermath of dying stars. Their work sheds new light on how stars form and die. Using the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, or ALMA, UArizona Regents Professor Lucy Ziurys and her collaborators observed radio emissions from hydrogen cyanide, formyl ...

Troy Oakes

The Atacama Large Millimeter Array.

Does the Milky Way Move Like a Spinning Top?

The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, which means that it is composed, among other components, of a disc of stars, gas, and dust in which the spiral arms are contained. At first, it was thought that the disc was completely flat, but for some decades now it has been known that the outermost part ...

Troy Oakes

The Milky Way above a road heading into the horizon.