cleaning, health, healthy lifestyle, mold

What Do the Different Colors of Mold Mean in Your House?

You may be interested (or possibly horrified) to discover you ingest and inhale thousands of tiny life forms on a daily basis, including mold. The air and surfaces around you are home to multitudes of bacteria, fungi, viruses, mites, algae, mold, and protozoa. Your skin isn’t much better, with a complex ecosystem of organisms called ...

Troy Oakes

Moldy food.

Safe Consumption of Moldy Food: Separating Myths From Facts

Have you ever questioned the age-old advice to chuck out any food with even a trace of mold on it? Misconceptions about moldy food often lead to unnecessary food waste and confusion regarding food safety. In this article, we’re going to unravel the mysteries of food mold to foster more sustainable food consumption habits. Mold ...

Viena Abdon

Strawberries with mold growing on them.