egyptian papyri, embalming, mummification, new discoveries

Ancient Egyptian Manual Reveals New Details About Mummification

Based on a manual recently discovered in a 3,500-year-old medical papyrus, University of Copenhagen Egyptologist Sofie Schiødt has been able to help reconstruct the embalming process used to prepare ancient Egyptians for the afterlife. It is the oldest surviving manual on mummification yet discovered. In ancient Egypt, embalming was considered a sacred art, and knowledge ...

Troy Oakes

An Eqyption sarcophagus.

Amazing Funeral Trends: ‘How About We Ship Your Body off the Planet?’

In the past, a good-looking gravestone was the extent of funeral luxuries. But now, people’s tastes have changed as they seek alternatives to traditional burials. This has given rise to new businesses that promise to give your body the final goodbye in very unique ways. Trees as gravestones If you are an environmentalist interested in ...

Armin Auctor

The Earth Rise memorial.