beta-carotene, carrots, dairy products, detoxifying foods, fatty liver prevention, goji berry leaves, liver function, liver health, liver inflammation, mung beans, strawberries, vitamin a, vitamin c

Nourishing Your Liver: 5 Foods for Optimal Liver Health

The liver is an incredibly important organ in the human body, responsible for metabolism and the production and expulsion of bile to assist digestion. It also detoxifies harmful substances, including foreign particles that enter the body and metabolic byproducts. Therefore, daily maintenance of your liver is crucial. This includes avoiding smoking, excess alcohol intake, staying ...

Max Lu

Boiled green mung beans with sugar syrup.

An Introduction to 6 Important Ingredients Used in TCM

Contrary to popular beliefs, TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) consists of a sensible diet. Chinese medicine’s practice is to intake certain foods that help keep the body balanced. The whole diet of TCM involves the intake of herbs, fruits, and pulses (dry peas, chickpeas, beans, lentils) with great health benefits. These foods have proven scientific health ...

Mike West

Ginseng root and extract.

What Is ‘Dampness’ and How to Treat This Debilitating Condition

Health in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) hinges on striking a balance between all the elements in our bodies. A person will feel bulky and sleepy all the time when they are damp. The body feels sticky like glue and the person feels sluggish. In TCM, dampness is described as being like cotton that has been soaked in oil. ...

Hermann Rohr

A sick woman lying in bed covered with a blanket.

Medicinal Food: 4 Ingredients With Medicinal Value

Wu Guobin of the Chinese Medicine Clinic in Xinyitang describes the medicinal benefits of 4 common medicinal food found in the kitchen. Ginger Ginger has a warming effect that can help treat the common cold, dispel phlegm, and help an upset stomach. Fry fresh ginger with scallions and cardamom to treat a cold, body aches ...

David Jirard

Ginger tea.

9 Summer Foods to Beat the Heat

Chinese believe that the hottest days in summer easily cause discomfort and chronic ailments. Consuming certain summer foods ahead of such periods, however, can counteract this and prepare the body for combat. 9 summer foods for hot days 1. Mung beans Summer is the season for eating more summer foods like fruits and vegetables. Mung ...

Emma Lu

Dragon fruit cut in half.