adaptive narcissism, maladaptive narcissism, narcissism, personality disorder

What You Need to Know About Narcissism

Sometimes narcissism can be hard to spot — especially if you’ve never met a narcissist. But as you might imagine, most people do not react well when their pedestal is knocked off. This is why narcissists can thrive in environments where they are the center of attention and adored for their achievements.  Narcissism defined Narcissism ...

Viena Abdon


What Goes on Inside a Narcissist’s Mind?

Have you ever wondered why a narcissist behaves in such a way or what kind of thoughts these people harbor? When you are able to grasp narcissism, you can then get a better understanding of what actually goes on in a narcissist’s mind.  It is important to know, however, that not all selfish and self-centered people ...

Mike West

Inside a narcissist's mind.

How Can You Best Deal With a Psychopath?

Have you ever had to negotiate with a narcissist or psychopath? If you are found in that situation, a new study recommends doing it online. Being a psychopath doesn’t necessarily mean a person would be morally bankrupt, although a morally bankrupt person could be a psychopath. However, when you encounter one, they can cause some ...

Wilma Oakes

Brain slices of a narcissist's brain.

The Vanity of Humans: Caravaggio’s Narcissus

At a time when it seems that more and more people hold to a grandiose view of themselves, we would do well to look into how the trend originated. Maybe we can take a lesson from history by examining the first man afflicted with self-love, a certain Greek mythological figure named Narcissus, who is eloquently ...

Raven Montmorency

Painting of Narcissus.