academic qualifications, ambition, career success, essential traits, lifelong learning, networking, overcoming challenges, personal development, personal qualities, professional growth, resilience, self-discipline, self-improvement, skill development, success beyond degrees

Beyond the Diploma: 6 Essential Traits for Achieving Career Success Before 30

“Are a person’s academic qualifications or abilities more important?” This question has sparked extensive debate, with compelling arguments from both sides regarding career choices. Proponents of the importance of academic qualifications argue that they are helpful during job interviews, as individuals with strong academic backgrounds tend to be more self-disciplined. But is this assumption accurate? ...

Mikel Davis

A woman in a business suit with arms stretched over her head.

What You Should Know When Looking for Your Dream Job

Job hunting can be challenging, especially in a competitive job market. Shifting industry landscapes, increased qualified candidates, and economic conditions contribute to job seekers’ challenges. These challenges make it harder to find your dream job. That said, with a strategic approach, finding the right job becomes less stressful. This article provides valuable strategies on how ...

Nathan Machoka

Young, confident Asian woman being interviewed for a job.

Nuggets of Wisdom: 5 Reasons You Are Not Rich

Some people are born rich, while some become rich. If you do not belong to the first group, you probably aspire to be in the second one. But despite a deep desire to be rich, very few people actually end up being so. This is because of the wrong beliefs and behaviors they practice in ...

Armin Auctor

Enjoying a rich lifestyle.