2023 predictions, a great war, climate crisis, economic disaster, end of mars, french astrologer, nostradamus

Nostradamus’ Predictions for 2023

Nostradamus has had an impressive track record of predicting things in the past. Is the same true for some of his predictions in 2023? Nostradamus has been a name associated with predictions of the future. Although it’s hard to tell which predictions happened, a few mentions in his book seemed to have come true. Let’s ...

Mike West

The famous Nostradamus.

Who Is the ‘Oriental Saint’? The Answer Can Be Found in Western Prophecy

Prophecies worldwide — from the distant past up to modern times — have been receiving exponentially more attention, and this was especially true in 2020 with the global situation of the raging coronavirus pandemic being so severe. Many of these prophecies have said that in our time, a saint will arise in the East.  If the prophecies made by ...

Helen London

A man stands on top of a mountain and a beam of light appears to shoot out from his head up into the heavens.

Chinese and Western Prophecies for 2021 Warn of Disasters

Many Chinese and Western prophecies for 2021 predict disasters. The Yellow Emperor Di Mu Jing is an ancient book of predictions expressed in poetry that has been widely circulated among Chinese people for thousands of years. It is said that it can predict the rise and fall of an individual’s fortune, crop yields, and livestock ...

Mikel Davis

Colorful sunset at sea near Polynesia.