artificial intelligence, deep mind, epfl, nuclear fusion

Plasmas for Nuclear Fusion Controlled by EPFL and DeepMind AI

EPFL’s Swiss Plasma Center (SPC) has decades of experience in plasma physics and plasma control methods for nuclear fusion. DeepMind is a scientific discovery company acquired by Google in 2014 that’s committed to “solving intelligence to advance science and humanity.” Together, they have developed a new magnetic control method for plasmas based on deep reinforcement learning, ...

Troy Oakes

Purple plasma configuration.

Gaming Graphics Card Allows Faster, More Precise Control of Fusion Energy Experiments

Controlling fusion energy experiments is a vital step because nuclear fusion offers the potential for a safe, clean, and abundant energy source. This process, which also occurs in the Sun, involves plasmas, fluids composed of charged particles, being heated to extremely high temperatures so that the atoms fuse together, releasing abundant energy. One challenge to ...

Troy Oakes

The Nvidia Tesla GPU.

An Artificial Sun Will Soon Rise in China

Chinese scientists are hard at work trying to make an artificial sun operational by this year. Called HL-2M, the artificial sun is basically a nuclear fusion device that is expected to show us the way to clean energy. Built by the Southwestern Institute of Physics and the China National Nuclear Corporation, the nuclear reactor is ...

Armin Auctor

China is making an artificial sun.