blood pressure management, cardiovascular wellness, cholesterol-lowering foods, dietary fiber, exercise and health, garlic, healthy lifestyle, heart health, high cholesterol, nutritious diet, onions, oranges, preventive care, soybeans, spinach

Lowering Cholesterol Naturally: Top 5 Foods That Improve Your Lipid Profile

In today’s fast-paced world, poor dietary habits, stress, and lack of sleep can easily lead to various health issues. Conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes are becoming increasingly common. Specifically, high cholesterol can lead to symptoms like cold hands and feet, numbness, and muscle cramps. Incorporating certain foods into your diet can significantly ...

Emma Lu

Garlic on a wooden table.

Top 10 Ranking Foods for Summer

During the summer, we should eat nutritious foods that will help to build our immune system and increase our immunity in preparation for the winter season. The top 10 healthy foods ranked in order from 1 to 10 1. Eggs Eggs are a complete nutritional food. They are rich in complete proteins (they contain all ...

Tatiana Denning

A plate of scrambled eggs.

Are Onions the Most Incredible and Cheapest ‘Blood Vessel Stent’?

Onions, the “queen of dishes,” is a typical and cheap home-cooked dish. Its flesh is tender, juicy, lightly spicy, good in quality, suitable as raw food, and highly nutritious. Regular consumption of onions has health effects such as sterilization, calcium supplementation, promotion of digestion, cancer prevention, anti-aging, lowering blood pressure, and lowering blood lipids. There ...

Hermann Rohr

A pile of yellow onions.

6 Amazing Benefits of Onions

For many people, onions are an easy vegetable to incorporate into a variety of delicious meals, such as sautéed beef with onions or scrambled eggs with onions. Yet many people don’t know how much onions can benefit their health. Read on to discover the many health benefits of onions. Medicine and food share a common ...

David Jirard

A pile of brown onions.

These 5 Foods Can Help Prevent Atherosclerosis

Many people think that cardiovascular disease occurs only in the elderly. In recent years, however, reports of heart attacks, strokes, or sudden death in middle-aged or young people suggest that a broader range of the population is now at risk from atherosclerosis. Dirty pipes We frequently compare blood vessels to water pipes. Dirt can accumulate ...

Audrey Wang

A man having a heart attack.

8 Health Benefits of Onions

Onions originate in western Asia and are available all year round. They are nutrient-dense, with the bulb containing 8.5 percent sugar and 9.2 percent dry matter, and they are rich in vitamins and minerals; in every 100 g of onion, there are 5 mg of Vitamin A,  9.3 mg of Vitamin C, 40 mg of ...

Nspirement Staff

Different types of onions.

The Healing Power of Onions: Bacteria, Diabetes, Flu, and in Your Sock?

It seems the onion is a powerhouse packed with both nutrition and healing properties. In fact, the more experts find out about the onion, the more powerful its properties seem. In Ayurvedic medicine, onions have been used for ages as a poultice for the chest or feet to cure coughs, flu, and fevers.  This ancient Indian branch ...

Hermann Rohr

Onions are powerful healers.

Incredible Health Benefits of Onions

Never mind the tears they bring, onions are an ace ally in your fight against disease. A prized member of the lily family, they lavish you with health benefits while adding oodles of taste to your food. Not to mention you can buy a bundle from the grocery store for mere pennies. Some of the ...

Raven Montmorency

A pile of yellow onions.

The Amazing Effects of Onions Soaked in Red Wine

When I traveled to Hong Kong, a wine retailer friend of mine told me that onions soaked in red wine can help get rid of common chronic diseases, and this treatment is apparently quite popular in Japan. He shared the recipe with me. At first, I was a bit suspicious, because I thought he was just ...

Jack Roberts

red onions