consumers, farmers market, handmade, local, organic, post-pandemic

The Resurgence of Farmers Markets: Thriving in the U.S. Since the Pandemic

Farmers markets in the United States have showcased remarkable resilience amidst the difficulties brought about by the pandemic. These lively marketplaces have become indispensable pillars of community life, offering access to fresh, nutritious products, promoting sustainable agriculture, and fostering cultural diversity. This article explores the evolution and significance of these markets, highlighting their role in ...

Viena Abdon

Summer farmers market on Main Street in Parker, Colorado.

What’s on the Box? Decipher Food Label Tease

The marketing machine that’s behind the food industry often leads consumers to be confused or misled by their claims. This is why your need to understand how to read a food label properly. Many tease or give consumers a false sense of eating healthy; leading them to eat more processed and packaged foods — which has ...

Sheridan Genrich

A lady in a grocery store reading box food label

There Is No Such Thing as Organic Bamboo Clothing

While fabrics marketed as organic bamboo clothing are gaining popularity worldwide, it turns out that no organic bamboo textiles have actually been certified. Behind the apparent fraud is the Chinese industry giant Tenbro. The amount of “organic” bamboo fabric Tenbro exports annually is 20 times greater than the amount of American-produced organic cotton exported annually. ...

Raven Montmorency

A grove of bamboo.