manganese oxide, mars, nasa, new discoveries, oxygen

No Oxygen Required to Make These Minerals on Mars

When NASA’s Mars rovers found manganese oxides in rocks in the Gale and Endeavor craters in 2014, the discovery sparked speculation from scientists. Some scientists suggested that the red planet might have once had more oxygen in its atmosphere billions of years ago. The minerals probably required abundant water and strongly oxidizing conditions to form, ...

Troy Oakes

Curiosity's selfie image on Mars.

Making Oxygen With Magnets Could Help Astronauts Breathe Easy

A potentially better way to make oxygen for astronauts in space using magnetism has been proposed by an international team of scientists, including a University of Warwick chemist. The conclusion is from new research on magnetic phase separation in microgravity published in Nature’s affiliated npj Microgravity journal by researchers from the University of Warwick in the United ...

Troy Oakes

An astronaut in a spacesuit..

Aquaman Crystals: Scientists Discover a New Way to Store Oxygen

A lot of people enjoy scuba diving around the world. Imagine if you didn’t need air tanks and you could stay underwater for longer periods. Scientists have developed a new crystalline substance called Aquaman Crystals that are capable of absorbing a massive amount of oxygen. Remarkably, a mere bucketful of this amazing substance is capable ...

Troy Oakes

Woman swimming underwater.

Exploring the Evolution of Earth’s Habitability Regulated by the Oxygen Cycle

A recent review provides a systematic overview of the latest advances in the oxygen cycle at different spatial and temporal scales and the important role that oxygen plays in shaping our current habitable Earth. As an essential material for the survival and reproduction of almost all aerobic organisms, oxygen is closely related to the formation ...

Troy Oakes

Planet Earth.

Has Earth’s Oxygen Rusted the Moon for Billions of Years?

To the surprise of many planetary scientists, the oxidized iron mineral hematite has been discovered at high latitudes on the Moon. That’s according to a study published in Science Advances led by Shuai Li, an assistant researcher at the Hawai‘i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) in the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST). Iron ...

Troy Oakes

A crescent Moon.