fragrances, perfumes, signature scent

7 Tips to Discover Your Signature Scent

A signature scent is a way to perfectly show who you are and convey precisely the impression you want others to have of you. It can boost the confidence, strength, and allure you need for any occasion. Also, a perfect signature scent complements your unique biochemistry. But with many scents available on the market, it ...

Viena Abdon

Perfume atomizer bottles.

How to Choose and Wear Perfume: Everything You Need to Know

For some people, their sense of smell is powerful, and this can awaken emotions. Therefore, wearing and choosing a perfume is a very personal decision. Both women and men attest that scents can change how you feel, and they like to use smell as another avenue of self-expression; like people, perfume has its unique personality. The ...

Raven Montmorency

Young woman looking in the mirror while spraying on perfume.

A Look Into the Enchanting Fragonard Musée Du Parfum in Paris

Our olfactory system works in strange ways. It draws tangents for us that others often find impossible to understand. When you bring Fragonard Musée du Parfum into the mix, you will be transported to a different world. A smell can transport us back in time and make us relive important moments of our lives. For ...

Raven Montmorency

Fragonard Musée du Parfum: Vintage perfume bottle at Fragonard store, Paris, France.

How to Make Natural Perfumes at Home

Since synthetic perfumes contain chemicals, they can trigger allergic reactions and even chronic headaches in people. Some perfumes even have toxicity levels that are enough to cause cancer or thyroid complications with regular use. It is to avoid such risks that people often choose to use natural perfumes. What’s more, you can even make natural ...

Raven Montmorency

Perfume atomizer bottles.