community involvement, ducation, personal development, recycling, scholarships, sustainability

Turning Trash Into Educational Treasures: The Legacy of Uncle Yam Beans

In the quaint Guilai Community of Taiwan’s Pingtung City, a man affectionately known to his neighbors as “Uncle Yam Beans” lives. This inspiring tale of transformation and dedication vividly illustrates how collective community effort can lead to significant, impactful change. At the heart of this story is Chen Tianxan. His vision has turned what many ...

Hermann Rohr

Chinese yams.

Lessons from Failure: How to Use Failure to Your Advantage

Failure is unacceptable for many in a world that mostly celebrates achievements and success. Most people are so afraid of failing that they miss out on great opportunities because they decide not to try.  Fear of failure can be immobilizing, and it manifests itself in self-sabotage behavior like procrastination and excessive anxiety, low self-confidence, inability ...

Nathan Machoka

Failures leading to success.

Beyond the Diploma: 6 Essential Traits for Achieving Career Success Before 30

“Are a person’s academic qualifications or abilities more important?” This question has sparked extensive debate, with compelling arguments from both sides regarding career choices. Proponents of the importance of academic qualifications argue that they are helpful during job interviews, as individuals with strong academic backgrounds tend to be more self-disciplined. But is this assumption accurate? ...

Mikel Davis

A woman in a business suit with arms stretched over her head.

Letting Go Without Giving Up: Embracing Life’s Challenges With Wisdom

Life is a series of ups and downs, and how you handle these peaks and valleys can define your journey. Often, we confuse the concept of “letting go” with “giving up.” However, the art of letting go can help you approach life with a more relaxed attitude, allowing you to face challenges with wisdom and ...

Max Lu

Silhouette of a man standing on a mountain peak overlooking mountains and valleys.

Crafting the Perfect CV: 9 Tips for Success

You’ve graduated from college and an exciting career journey awaits. The first step? Creating a stellar curriculum vitae or CV to capture the attention of recruiters and employers.  Given the pivotal role a CV plays in your career progression, it can be hard to know where to start. Follow these tips to craft a CV ...

Viena Abdon

Attractive smiling young businesswoman holding her CV in a blue folder.

The Power of 3 Strategic Expenditures: Spend More to Earn More

There are three types of expenditures in this world where the more you spend, the more you earn. Moreover, these are expenses that you should not hesitate to take on. What are these 3 expenditures? 1. Investing in self-growth Investing money in one’s own mind is the safest form of financial management. Some may argue: ...

Mikel Davis

Money bag with the word 'investment' is balanced on a scale with a roll of US$100 bills.

Practical Strategies for Handling Chronic Complainers in Your Life

Managing relationships with chronic complainers can be an arduous task. Such individuals seem to find faults even in the most perfect circumstances. Their persistent negativity can profoundly affect personal and professional environments, dampening morale, heightening stress levels, and stifling progress. Who are chronic complainers? Chronic complainers express their dissatisfaction, disappointment, and frustration persistently, often tainting ...

Mike West

Girl complaining or having an angry conversation with her friend.

Reaping What You Sow: How Your Actions Toward Others Shape Your Own Experiences

A renowned celebrity once said that the factors contributing to one’s success can be broadly divided into two categories. Professional knowledge comprises only 15 percent, while personal cultivation, how you treat others, world-handling abilities, and adaptability cover the remaining 85 percent. This statement struck a chord with me. An unforgettable lesson from a company visit ...

Mikel Davis

Closeup of a wheat stalk in the field with the sun shining in the background.

7 Benefits of Taking Full Responsibility

Responsibility is significant no matter how young or how old you are. As the world makes it easier for you to slip away, learning how to be responsible is becoming less and less popular. Here’s why taking responsibility is essential for everyone. Nowadays, it has become easier for some people to run away from being ...

Mike West

Taking responsibility.