indo-pacific-crocodile, new discoveries, paludirex vincenti, prehistoric, prehistoric crocodile

Massive Prehistoric Crocodile Emerges From Australia

A prehistoric crocodile measuring more than five meters long — dubbed the “swamp king” — ruled Southeastern Queensland waterways only a few million years ago. University of Queensland researchers identified the new species of prehistoric croc — which they named Paludirex vincenti — from fossils first unearthed in the 1980s. Paludirex vincenti was like an Indo-Pacific crocodile ...

Troy Oakes

The Paludirex vincenti crocdile.

African Crocodiles Lived in Spain 6 Million Years Ago

Millions of years ago, several species of crocodiles of different genera and characteristics inhabited Europe and sometimes even coexisted. But among all these species, it was thought unlikely that crocodiles of the genus Crocodylus, of African origin, had ever lived in the Mediterranean basin. The remains found in the Italian regions of Gargano, Tuscany, and ...

Troy Oakes

A crocodile next to a mastodon elephant.

Smallest Homo Erectus Cranium in Africa and Diverse Stone Tools Found

An international research team, led by scientists from the U.S. and Spain, including a University of Michigan geologist, has discovered a nearly complete cranium of an early Homo erectus human ancestor. It is estimated to be about 1.5 million years old, and a partial cranium dated to about 1.26 million years ago, from the Gona ...

Troy Oakes

The DAN5 Homo erectus cranium.

Research Offers Insight Into How Oldest Microfossils Formed

Researchers at the University of Western Australia have uncovered evidence of a new type of fossilization that may explain how some of Earth’s oldest microfossils formed and might even help scientists detect evidence of past life on other planets. They provide important clues about the early history of life on Earth; however, some mystery still ...

Troy Oakes

Fossil shells.

Team Collaborates to Raise Prehistoric ‘Hell Ants’ to Life

Ants. Sure, most are harmless and inconspicuous. Though, there are always exceptions. Army ants, bulldog ants, and fire ants are a few living members of the family Formicidae that nature television viewers might recognize from any number of the World’s Deadliest countdown shows that populate the airwaves these days. However, one of the most fearsome and ...

Troy Oakes

A hell ant.

66-Million-Year-Old Deathbed Linked to Dinosaur-Killing Meteor

The beginning of the end caused by a meteor strike started with violent shaking that raised giant waves in the waters of an inland sea in what is now North Dakota. Then, tiny glass beads began to fall like birdshot from the heavens. The rain of glass was so heavy it may have set fire ...

Troy Oakes

Prehistoric Worm ‘Superhighway’ Discovered

The sea bed in the deep ocean during the Cambrian period was thought to have been inhospitable to animal life because it lacked enough oxygen to sustain it. But research published in the scientific journal Geology reveals the existence of fossilized worm tunnels dating back to the Cambrian period­­ 270 million years before the evolution of dinosaurs. ...

Troy Oakes

Fearsome Shark Takes Down a Pterosaur in Mid-Flight

USC researchers, studying bones at the L.A. County Natural History Museum, have found evidence of a fearsome shark taking to the sky to take down a pterosaur, a formidable flying reptile. It was a prehistoric clash of the ages that didn’t end pretty when a monster in the sky clashed with the beast of the deep. The ...

Troy Oakes

A shark taking down a flying pterosaur.

250,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Teeth Found to Have Lead Exposure

Using evidence found in two Neanderthal teeth from southeastern France, researchers from the Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai report the earliest evidence of lead exposure in an extinct human-like species from 250,000 years ago. This study is the first to report lead exposure in ...

John Andress

Ancient Tools in China: Did Humans Leave Africa Earlier?

Ancient tools and bones discovered in China by archaeologists suggest early humans left Africa and arrived in Asia earlier than previously thought. The artifacts show that our earliest human ancestors colonized East Asia over 2 million years ago. They were found by a Chinese team that was led by Professor Zhaoyu Zhu of the Chinese ...

Troy Oakes

An ancient rock tool.