ancient china, good and evil, karmic reward, kind deeds, prodigal son, retribution

Good and Evil Are Rewarded Accordingly

The ancients said that good deeds would be met with good returns while evil deeds would be punished. Up until today, there are still people who believe that “you reap what you sow.” The existence of God and Buddhas is real and retribution for doing evil deeds as well as compensation and justice for doing ...

Max Lu

Farmer's hand planting seeds in soil.

A Prodigal Son Is Priceless

“A prodigal son is priceless” is a popular saying among the Chinese people. This saying came from a folk story that occurred during the Ming Dynasty. During the Ming Dynasty, there was a wealthy man who became a father when he was over 50 years old. He was very happy and named the baby Tianbao, ...

Helen London

A new beginning.