productive, productivity, time management, work habits

How to Become More Productive to Achieve Your Goals

The need to be productive is often met with mixed feelings. While many feel that unless they are churning out more sheets and crunching more numbers, they are being unproductive. Others find excessive workloads hamper their productivity. Being productive is not about completing more tasks (though a productive person often seems like a well-oiled machine ...

Armin Auctor

A neatly organized work space.

How Productive You Are Does Not Determine Your Self-Worth

Growing up, we were often told by our peers that life is a rat race and we must run faster if we wish to achieve any happiness and self-worth in life. So deeply ingrained in our minds is this lesson that we forget to be happy living in the moment while we are chasing some ...

Armin Auctor

Tired woman with laptop at her desk, appearing stressed by problems.

Online Entrepreneur: Popular Software for Managing Business Processes

“Location independence, freedom of movement, financial flexibility, and stability. That’s the baseline we’re all seeking,” says Dan Andrews from Tropicalmba, a lifestyle business podcast. For several years, along with his business partner Ian Schoen, Dan has been in the freelancing business market. They have built a community of successful freelancers and a multi-million dollar e-commerce ...

Armin Auctor

An entrepreneur at work.

A Simple Method for Getting Rid of Distractions

The average person nowadays has evolved a slight tilt downward in their posture from frequent smartphone usage. We have never spent more time looking down during the entirety of the existence of our species. Now, there aren’t actually any stats on that. But think about it — on the subways, at the beach, on the ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman on her smartphone.

6 Ways to Deal With Procrastination

Even if a person has immense talent, bad habits like procrastination can weigh the individual down and rob them of a fulfilling life. If you too are plagued by a tendency to procrastinate and have been wondering how to deal with the habit, follow these six pieces of advice. Try these 6 ideas to control ...

Raven Montmorency

A Stop Wasting Time sign.