amulets, buddhism, japanese talismans, luck, lucky charms, omamori, protection, shintoism

Omamori: Japanese Talismans

If you’ve ever been to Japan, you’ll find certain places that sell omamori, often near religious or traditional sites. Booths around these shrines or Japanese buildings sell these magical-looking talismans, often in the form of keychains, necklaces, or other types of trinkets, with the common one being held by a string. Buying a random omamori ...

Mike West

Various omamori.

Traditional Ways to Protect Yourself From COVID-19

Apparently, no scientist has ever seen it, and seemingly it has never been isolated, but the very mention of the word COVID-19 has thrown the entire world into a frenzy of chaos and fear. Humanity has encountered and overcome so many calamities on our journey back to the stars. There have to be simple and ...

Michael Segarty

A flowing stream.