future science, lupins, protein, study, sweetness gene

Protein Intake: How Much Do You Need?

Are you getting enough protein in your diet? It is an essential nutrient for your body, and it plays a vital role in your overall health and well-being. But how much is too much?  In this article, we’ll explore why protein is so important, and how to make sure you’re getting the right amount. We’ll ...

Nathan Machoka

Grilled T-bone steak with fresh rosemary.

Hunger Persists Without Enough Protein

There’s so much confusion on dietary advice these days. One consistent theme is “no one size” fits all. Genetics, current lifestyle (diet and activity level), age, and sex differences all play a role. If you’re metabolically efficient, meaning that you hold a good amount of lean muscle mass, you’ll burn fuel much better! Not only ...

Health by Nature

Protein foods.

Protein Powder and Its Negative Side Effects  

Protein powder is a must-have in most health and fitness programs. There are many different protein powders available — each with its unique benefits. It’s important to consider the specific type of protein powder you will use because certain products may not be designed for your goals.  Protein is essential for helping your body repair, ...

Viena Abdon

A man drinking a protein shake.

Protein Stable Breakfast Recipe (Savory Protein Pancake)

In this episode of Health by Nature, I want to help you improve your breakfast with a protein-stable breakfast recipe. Breakfast sets your blood sugar levels up for a stable day. The blood sugar level is really important for your mood and hormone balancing, and the right breakfast will give you sustained energy. The reason ...

Health by Nature

Delicious Avocado Chocolate Protein Fudge

Delicious and healthy can be done together! Take this creation for example: Chocolate Avocado Protein “Fudge.” The best part of this healthy treat? It has avocado in it — which means it’s loaded with good fats to help your hormones and brain function. It has a good balance of protein from organic whey, along with ...

Health by Nature

The Benefits of Eating Eggs Daily

What, if any, are the drawbacks or benefits of eating eggs? An egg is considered to be one of the most nutritionally complete foods. It is known as the “Complete Protein Model” by nutritionists. For many years, Western nutritionists believed that eating eggs was bad for patients with high cholesterol. But that no longer seems ...

Helen London

A basket of brown eggs.

Nourishing Recipes: 3 Types of Steamed Eggs

Prepare time: 35 min Cook: 25 min Ready in: 1 hour These 3 types of steamed eggs are melt-in-your-mouth delicious and protein-packed. Make them all together for a variety of nourishing flavors and to feed a vibrant family of four. Eggs should be labeled a superfood for they are packed with Vitamin A, folate, Vitamins ...

Jenny Low

Three egg recipes with beautiful carved vegetables.

Orange Chicken Recipe

Prepare time: 1 hour 20 mins Cook: 20 mins Ready in: 1 hr 40 mins This mouth-watering Orange Chicken recipe can be paired with a salad, green vegetable dishes, or steamed rice. Chicken contains nutrients that are linked with mood and brain health, and it certainly puts my family of 3 in a good mood ...

Jenny Low

Orange chicken on a white plate sits on green check table cloth.

5 Nutritional Tips When Going Vegan

When you adopt a vegan lifestyle, there is a risk that you might end up suffering from nutritional deficiency. Moving away from meat products will inevitably deprive you of certain types of nutrition. And this deprivation can trigger various health issues. For pregnant women, this might mean trouble with delivery or the physical constitution of ...

Raven Montmorency

Foods for vegans.