communication, conversations, interruptions, psychology

Why Do People Interrupt? Exploring the Psychology Behind Interruptions

Have you ever been in the middle of telling a story, and suddenly, someone cuts you off and starts sharing their own experience? Or perhaps they introduce a new topic into the conversation altogether? In this situation, which many of us may have already encountered (or have been guilty of doing), the interrupted person may ...

Arianne Ayson

Interrupting falling blocks.

Shaping Teenagers into Selfless and Balanced Adults

When a person goes from being a teenager to an adult, they go through a lot of emotional, mental, and social changes. Teenagers often act selfishly during this time of change. This article examines practical ways to help teenagers move from acting self-centered to being balanced, caring, and community-focused. Understanding teen psychology The brains of ...

Viena Abdon

Teenagers looking at their smartphones.

Debunking Some Myths About Mental Health

Mental health is a crisis in the world today. 1.6 million people are waiting for mental health services, and another 8 million need care but cannot get on a waiting list due to increased demand over the last two years. As a result, even young children who wish to die are arriving at emergency rooms ...

Ratul Saha

A woman with anxiety.

Power Posing Can Give a Person More Self-Confidence

The much-touted power posing theory has sparked debates among psychologists, and they remain divided in their opinions on its utility and credibility. The concept was introduced a decade back. At that time, some researchers from Harvard and Columbia Universities analyzed if using power (aka superhero) poses can help boost sagging spirits and make one feel ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman power posing.

Horses Can Read Human Emotions, Even From Photos

You can’t hide your anger from horses as they can read your facial expressions, a study published by the University of Sussex has found. Psychologists from the University found, for the first time, that they can differentiate from human facial expressions whether people are angry or happy. Twenty-eight animals were recruited from five riding or livery stables ...

Wilma Oakes

A horse in a stable.

My Top 3 Brain Myths

There are a lot of brain myths that you probably hear all the time, and simply take for granted to be true. Unfortunately, many of these brain myths are not true. Here are my top 3 brain myths 1. You’re either a logical left-brained thinker or a creative right-brained thinker In 2013, neuroscientists from the University ...

Troy Oakes

Doctors examining the human brain.

The Decisive Factors Affecting Longevity

Good health and longevity have been the subjects of many human studies. Elizabeth Blackburn the 2009 Nobel Prize winner in physiology, concluded that it was a balanced mind that helps us live longer. To be able to live for 100 years, one has to maintain a reasonable diet (25 percent), a balanced mind (50 percent), ...

Michael Segarty

A family at the beach.