amputation, karma, man loi, operation, retribution, turtle

Feeding Desires, Facing Retribution: Man Loi’s Curse of the Soft-Shelled Turtle

In the quiet corridors of a county hospital in Thailand, the director and chief doctor shared a fascinating yet sobering story about a patient. The tale revolves around Man Loi, whose seemingly routine choices take a peculiar turn, leading to unexpected and tragic consequences. As the hospital director recounted this thought-provoking narrative, it shed light ...

Tatiana Denning

A soft-shelled turtle.

A Grandfather Kills Over a Debt, and His Grandsons Pay for His Crime

If one kills a person or steals, karma will require payment either now or in the future. Please read the following story of how retribution is meted out for past crimes. During the Song Dynasty, a villager named Feng Si in Fuzhou in what is now eastern Jiangxi Province, whose family was too poor to ...

Max Lu

The wheel of karma.

The 3 Taboos of Wealth and Status: How Behavior Shapes Your Destiny

Regardless of your status or wealth, breaking any of these three major taboos will definitely lead to disasters. In fact, causality and retribution are closely related, though they may seem to be invisible to the human eye. As an old saying goes: “Good begets good, and evil begets evil.”  You may believe that money and ...

Tatiana Denning

On the man's left is an arid landscape with deep cracks in the parched earth and a sandstorm in the distance. On his right is a beautiful expanse of lush, green grass as far as the eye can see with blue sky and a few puffy white clouds overhead.

Ethical Emperor Repents for His Sins by Following Heaven’s Will

A self-punishment decree allowed ancient Chinese emperors to reflect upon themselves and confess their faults to the people. This was a form of repentance for their wrongdoings. The legacy left by traditional Chinese culture can be said to be the contributing factor to respecting and following the will of Heaven, pursuing the unity of nature ...

Emma Lu

Aerial view of a few spotted clouds and the shining sun on the horizon.

Karmic Retribution: Powerful Examples of Karma for Bullying and Murder

Karmic retribution means that every deed or action has consequences, and evil deeds bring suffering. Suffering is not punishment by a God who is free to punish or not, but rather is an inevitable consequence of evil actions. A school bully pays the price through karmic retribution In 2018, a bizarre death occurred at a junior ...

Hermann Rohr

Karmic retribution.

Tales of Mysterious Retribution Following Murder and Thievery

Our world can sometimes show us mysteries that either surprise or shock us. The following are two such stories about mysterious retribution. Thief meets retribution: dies half an hour after stealing a motorbike Recently, a delivery driver reported a stolen motorbike to the police. Within 20 minutes of the phone call, a train ran over ...

Emma Lu

An active crime scene.

Malicious Rumors and Lies Can Incur Terrible Retribution

Disaster does not happen by chance. It is the best proof of the iron law of cause and effect. From related bizarre and interlocking events, it can help people believe that retribution does come about! This is one of the bizarre cases that happened in the recent past. But it is possibly representative of what ...

Michael Segarty

Two women gossiping.

The Merchant’s Retribution Was Changed

A merchant who cheats will suffer retribution. The merchant Zhao Defang was the father of three sons. He lived toward the end of the Qing Dynasty and enjoyed a very prosperous life. All of his sons were married. When Zhao celebrated his 60th birthday, he confessed to his three sons that he deliberately rigged his ...

Emma Lu

Weighing scales.

A Peculiar Medical Mystery

This is a true story that happened in Thailand. Wen Lai is a 43-year-old peasant and construction worker who lives in Thailand. He has had several surgeries over the last three years. Each time, his condition becomes more severe than before, with no improvement at all, offering a baffling medical mystery to the surgeons. It all ...

Max Lu

Thai fruit seller sailing wooden boat in thailand tradition floating market

Good and Evil Are Rewarded Accordingly

The ancients said that good deeds would be met with good returns while evil deeds would be punished. Up until today, there are still people who believe that “you reap what you sow.” The existence of God and Buddhas is real and retribution for doing evil deeds as well as compensation and justice for doing ...

Max Lu

Farmer's hand planting seeds in soil.