motivation, punishment, punishment and reward, rewards

The Common Negative Effects of Rewards on Inborn Motivation

In recent years, many institutions have shifted their focus from punishment to rewards. This change is for a good reason because punishment fails to improve people’s motivation in schools or jobs. Instead, it often results in short-term compliance, while a pot of dislike, defiance, or anger boils underneath. If punishment is bad, it follows that ...

Nathan Machoka

Rewards and recognition for employees.

A Tale of Immediate Reward for Virtue and Doing a Good Deed

It is said that a person is rich and prosperous for a reason. Accumulation of virtue, in this life or from previous lives, can be exchanged into wealth and prosperity. This is a true story from the Qing Dynasty of immediate reward for having virtue and doing a good deed. In the Shunzhi era, an elderly ...

Tatiana Denning

A hoard of Chinese coins.