big donor, chinese folktale, folktale, idiot, karmic retribution, reincarnation, rich man, small donor

Folktale: The Idiot and the Rich Man

There is a folktale about how in ancient times there was a rich man who was cunning and stingy. One day, he hired a long-term laborer named Idiot Zhang. Though Zhang had such a name, he was really very smart. He calmly accepted being bullied or swindled, and would never do things to harm others. ...

Emma Lu

A Friesian calf in front of a hay bale.

Sad Tale of a Rich Businessman and His 4 Wives

A rich businessman had four wives. He loved his fourth wife the most. He gave her beautiful clothes to wear, gave her delicious food to eat, and he looked after her very well. He gave her the best of everything. He also loved his third wife. He was quite proud of her and always showed ...

Michael Segarty

A woman with golden fingernails.