anger, anxiety, boredom, mental health, negative emotions, sadness

Anger, Sadness, Boredom, Anxiety — Emotions That Feel Bad Can Be Useful

Remember the emotions you experienced around sadness that came with the last time you failed miserably at something? Or the last time you were so anxious about an upcoming event that you couldn’t concentrate for days? These types of emotions are unpleasant to experience and can even feel overwhelming. People often try to avoid them, ...

Troy Oakes

Different emotions.

4 Painful but Rewarding Experiences

Did you know that experiences that make you comfortable often have hidden risks? The things that are painful to endure and make you miserable either make you think or force you to grow. 4 experiences we assume are bad, but are actually good for you and rewarding psychologically 1. Giving up halfway Since you were ...

Emma Lu

A change in direction.

People Who Don’t Get Seriously Ill Have 5 Things in Common

Everyone wants to have a healthy body. Those who don’t get seriously ill often have five things in common, and we have also found that the first rule is the hardest to follow. So how many can you do? Let’s take a look. 5 ways to avoid illness 1. They don’t get angry Many diseases ...

Emma Lu

A hospital ward.

Why Can’t You Imagine Happiness?

Happiness is something that we all desire and crave. This is because so many things bring on this emotion — these might include getting a good and secure job, spending time with family, or going on a vacation. We are often fixated on the idea of happiness, and there is no justification required for it. ...

Raven Montmorency

Woman standing with outstretched arms at sunset.

The Connection Between Your Emotions and Your Organs

The mind-body approach of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) posits that emotions and the health of internal organs are interconnected. This means that the emotional state of your mind can end up damaging the organs linked to those emotions over a period of time. In addition, the health of the organs can also affect the way ...

Tatiana Denning

A young woman with a joyful smile.

9 Ways to Increase Immunity and Stay Healthy

Here are some common-sense approaches that you can incorporate into your daily life that can help prevent illness, increase immunity, and support a longer life. 9 ways to increase immunity 1. Anger “Sickness starts from the heart.” Maybe you have these experiences too — you don’t feel like eating as a result of great pressure; ...

Helen London

Man yelling into a phone.