addiction, brain, fat, flavor, oreo cookies, pleasure response, reward system, salt, sugar, sweetness

Sugar Rush: How Oreo’s Flavor Frenzy Creates a High Similar to Drugs

Have you ever wondered why Oreo brand cookies are appealing and irresistible to so many people? Oreo cookies have a unique way of stimulating your taste buds and leaving you wanting more.  Research conducted by Connecticut College led by Professor Joseph Schroeder revealed that Oreos trigger the same neural pathways in the brain as drugs. ...

Haidene Go

Oreo cookies.

High Salt and Sugar Intake May Be the Cause of Your Afternoon Crash

Several people have to deal with an afternoon crash every time. Could this be because of salt or sugar intake? Like many people, you may start your day full of energy. The early hours of your day get spent with booming energy you didn’t think would crash.  However, despite how energetically you started your day, you ...

Mike West

Salt and Sugar.

Table Salt Has 34 Practical Uses

An important element in your daily diet is table salt. Using table salt ensures that the cells in your body are functioning normally and it aids in preventing as well as treating diseases. The varied uses of table salt in your food Sprinkling some salt on salads will keep them fresh for a longer period of ...

Emma Lu

Sea salt in a bag and containers.

The Traditional Technique for Harvesting Sea Salt by Hand in Japan

Japan is a country known for its technological prowess and rich heritage of handicrafts and arts. However, little is known about one ancient tradition of Japan, that of harvesting sea salt by hand. In some regions of Japan, harvesting sea salt by hand is still practiced and the quality of salt made by the method ...

Max Lu

Okunoto Suzu Salt Farm Village on Noto Peninsula, Japan – a field for extraction of salt from sea water and traditional Agehama-method tools.

Chinese Salt Consumption Is Almost Twice the Amount Recommended

The Chinese population may be going overboard with the amount of salt they eat. Decades of studies show that adults in China are among the highest consumers in the world, and it’s not good for them. Not enough salt for the Chinese According to the Chinese Dietary Guidelines, daily salt consumption for a healthy adult ...

Max Lu

A scoop of sea salt.