creativity, endorphins, hobbies, hobby, lifestyle, personal growth, satisfaction, stress relief, wellbeing

Discovering Your Perfect Hobby: A Guide to Finding the Right One for You

A hobby is more than just a simple pastime — it is a transformative activity that can revolutionize your life, infusing it with joy, satisfaction, and a host of benefits that significantly enhance your overall well-being. It can act as an outlet where you can delve into your interests, unearth new passions, and foster a ...

Haidene Go

Illustration of stickers, including masks for theater, a palette and paintbrush, a camera, a microphone, a TV set, dancing shoes, a quill with ink and paper, pottery, a clapboard for movies, a circus tent, and a lute.

Happiness: Cultural or Scientific?

Happiness is to be in a state of true joy, a moment of being genuinely “happy.”  At the time of writing in 2021, there are close to 8 billion people living in the world according to the WorldOMeter.  In March 2021, the BBC reported that Finland ranked as the happiest country in the world. The World Happiness Report, supported ...

Katrina Hicks

Ethnically diverse group of men and women smiling for the camera.

  Wealth and Desire

A long time ago, there was a millionaire who had so many things to deal with every day that he rarely smiled. This wealthy man’s neighbors were a very poor couple, but they didn’t desire anything and were happy. They had nothing in their little house and they sold tofu for a living. However, the ...

Helen London

Landscaped courtyard in Chinese garden with stone path.

Snap Out of It: The Insatiable Desire to Keep on Buying

Who doesn’t love shopping? Although it might not seem like it, the craze for shopping leads to the desire to have more and more often turns into an addiction that can cripple you throughout your life. The consumer mindset pushes you to keep accumulating more and more till you drop and it has turned the ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman carrying her shopping bags.

Why It’s Worth Considering Working Till 70

In the U.S., the average age of retirement is around 64 years old. Some people retire when they are 60 or even earlier at 55 years of age as the idea of a quiet, calm life seems too appealing to postpone any further. However, many people have started to think that they should work until the ...

Armin Auctor

An old man sitting on a bench.

Revealed: The Secret to the Eternal Mystery of Happiness

People seem to be unhappier than ever. Many find this perplexing since our generation is one of the richest in history, having the kind of comforts those in the past could never even imagine. A report from Harvard seems to give us the answer to this essential quest for happiness. Human happiness The Study of ...

Raven Montmorency

Two smiling young women.