communication tips, conversation strategies, effective communication, emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, listening skills, personal growth, professional relationships, self-awareness, speaking up

9 Effective Tips for Knowing When to Speak Up and When to Remain Silent

Understanding when to express yourself and when to remain silent is vital in both personal and professional relationships. Effective communication can strengthen bonds with friends and partners and may be the key to career advancement. Experts in communication suggest that we often use excessive words and emotions, with few pauses, in our dialogues. Essentially, many ...

Nathan Machoka

Man bursting out of a yellow background, holding his finger to his lips to call for quiet.

Healthy Boundaries: The Foundation of Happiness and Emotional Well-Being

Maintaining healthy boundaries is the blueprint for a fulfilling life. Boundaries aren’t obstacles; they are essential guidelines that protect your well-being, define your personal space, and ensure mutual respect in your interactions and relationships. We all have our no-nos in life, and when these limits are crossed, it leads to emotional exhaustion, less happiness, and ...

Nathan Machoka

Young man and woman sitting together while watching boats in the harbor.

Unhealthy Competition May Be Holding You Back: Why You Should Let Go

Unhealthy competition is characterized by a win-at-all costs mentality, envy, deceit, and disregard for others, among other harmful means. This type of competition is detrimental to the individual and the society. But what are the root causes of unhealthy competition? Which signs can help you avoid these murky competition grounds? And lastly, what are the benefits ...

Nathan Machoka

Men competing with each other.

Letting Go Without Giving Up: Embracing Life’s Challenges With Wisdom

Life is a series of ups and downs, and how you handle these peaks and valleys can define your journey. Often, we confuse the concept of “letting go” with “giving up.” However, the art of letting go can help you approach life with a more relaxed attitude, allowing you to face challenges with wisdom and ...

Max Lu

Silhouette of a man standing on a mountain peak overlooking mountains and valleys.

The Perils of Idol Worship: When Admiration Goes Too Far

As you scroll through social media, you probably see people gushing over celebrities, public figures, or influencers they admire. While it’s human nature to look up to role models, idolizing them can be dangerous. Idol worship can morph into obsession, making you lose perspective and negatively impacting your life.  Why do we idolize people? People ...

Viena Abdon

Kim Kardashian.

Disagreeing Gracefully: How to Foster Understanding in a Polarized World

Most of us have found ourselves embroiled in a heated disagreement, feeling so hurt or frustrated that we vow never to speak to the other party again. But in retrospect, where exactly did things go awry? Could the conversation have taken a radically different turn if we had approached it with more understanding and grace? ...

Nathan Machoka

Man and woman in a heated argument.

How Productive You Are Does Not Determine Your Self-Worth

Growing up, we were often told by our peers that life is a rat race and we must run faster if we wish to achieve any happiness and self-worth in life. So deeply ingrained in our minds is this lesson that we forget to be happy living in the moment while we are chasing some ...

Armin Auctor

Tired woman with laptop at her desk, appearing stressed by problems.