dressing up, elegance, fashion, fast fashion, formal attire, personal expression, professional image, self-confidence, , special occasions, style

Beyond Words: The Value of Keeping Your Promises

The two words “I promise” carry a lot of weight, which is why when people break promises, it can create a crack in the relationship and lead to a loss of trust. Some may argue that not all promises hold the same weight. However, whichever way you look at it, a commitment is still a ...

Arianne Ayson

Young businessman in a navy suit wearing glasses.

7 Signs of Mentally Strong People

Weak people quickly get angry and are prone to unpredictable outbursts of anger. Strong people are usually as calm as water and relatively peaceful. A person who is not strong inside is naturally not calm inside. A person who is not quiet in his heart will be in turmoil everywhere. Even the most minor things ...

Max Lu

A woman showing determination.

Endurance and Hard Work: Preparing Children for Life’s Obstacles

As parents, it’s our instinct to love and support our children to set them up for a happy, successful life. Yet, an old saying warns that “too much of a good thing is not good.” In your attempts to shield your children from life’s harsh realities, you may unintentionally prevent them from undertaking challenging experiences ...

Haidene Go

Happy brother and sister leap into the air while holding hands outside by a pond.

How Story Dogs Is Changing the Way Children Read

There have been many creative ways to get children to read, and Story Dogs is one of them. Who knew that having a pet had such a significant impact on children? Story Dogs is an inspiring program that has made waves across Australia and is now giving more parents new ideas on how to teach ...

Mike West

Story Dogs is a not-for-profit reading support initiative.

A Guide to Boost Your Self-Confidence

Things do not go as per plans in life, and everyone copes with hardships, more or less. These, coupled with personal or professional stress and various adverse developments, can adversely affect your self-confidence. Feeling down or reacting to negativity in a given situation will not help your confidence. Thus, it is essential to boost your ...

Raven Montmorency
