self discipline, self-improvement, self-reflection, values

The Self-Discipline Project

Controlling your emotions, desires, and actions through self-discipline lets you create a better life for yourself. “Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most.”—Abraham Lincoln I learned a valuable lesson from my son. From the time he was in the womb, according to my ultrasounds, my son loved to suck ...

Tatiana Denning

Woman standing on a rocky peak looking out over a lake in the valley below with mountains in the background.

7 Habits to Uplift Your Spirit and Health

Good health is as much about good habits as being born with a good constitution. It can be tough going and takes a lot of determination both to achieve and keep up with those good habits. Good health impacts your life in so many ways, even your destiny; from finances, to how you perform at work, ...

Tatiana Denning

Planting flowers in a garden.

The Three Treasures of Life: Integrity, Wonder, and Self-discipline

An old saying goes: “Only by knowing shame can we have self-esteem.” Shame is not far from reproach. With a sense of guilt and remorse, you feel ashamed of yourself when you do something wrong. You feel upset when you fall short of your efforts and let your family and friends down, as well as ...

Emma Lu

A red and white water lily.

Your Heart Creates the Appearance That Leads to Prosperity or Failure

What’s in your heart will determine success or failure. In the Song Dynasty, there were identical twin brothers, Gao Xiaobiao and Gao Xiaoji. At the age of 16, they took part in the state examination system and both passed the county-level examination, gaining recognition as individuals who had “cultivated talents.” Once they married, their parents ...

Helen London

A landscape at dusk.