competition, relationships, self-awareness, self-esteem, stress, unhealthy competition

Unhealthy Competition May Be Holding You Back: Why You Should Let Go

Unhealthy competition is characterized by a win-at-all costs mentality, envy, deceit, and disregard for others, among other harmful means. This type of competition is detrimental to the individual and the society. But what are the root causes of unhealthy competition? Which signs can help you avoid these murky competition grounds? And lastly, what are the benefits ...

Nathan Machoka

Men competing with each other.

Beyond Words: The Value of Keeping Your Promises

The two words “I promise” carry a lot of weight, which is why when people break promises, it can create a crack in the relationship and lead to a loss of trust. Some may argue that not all promises hold the same weight. However, whichever way you look at it, a commitment is still a ...

Arianne Ayson

Young businessman in a navy suit wearing glasses.

The Art of Modesty: Showcasing Your Worth Without Bragging

Most people generally dislike a braggart, yet nearly everyone secretly desires to be the center of attention. Some may unintentionally be lavish, while others use calculated tricks to influence those around them. Still, you risk coming across as overly optimistic or conceited in either situation. Perhaps the best way to boast is not to boast ...

Viena Abdon

Proud woman pointing to herself and smiling.

6 Obstacles Preventing You From Achieving Your Personal Goals

Everybody has personal goals. You may need more money, a promotion, better health, or a more stable relationship. Whatever your end goal, the path to success has many obstacles. When things don’t go your way, your first instinct may be to blame external obstacles holding you back: the economy, the government, partners, friends, etc. Of ...

Nathan Machoka

Small chalkboard with the words 'dream big, set goals, and take action.'

How To Handle Criticism in a Positive Way

Dealing with criticism is a challenging yet essential life skill. Building your sense of self-worth takes years, and an ill-received comment can destroy all that. But in life, you’ll inevitably get criticized by your boss, coworkers, family, or even strangers. It would help if you learned to handle it expertly because it’s essential for personal ...

Nathan Machoka

Blocks spelling 'criticism.'

Body Image: What It Is and How to Improve It

Body image is a combination of your thoughts and feelings about your body. This image may range between positive and negative experiences, and one person may feel at different times positive or negative or a combination of both. It is influenced by internal (e.g., personality) and external (e.g., social environment) factors. What are the four aspects of body ...

Jack Roberts

A woman walking through a botanical garden.

Being Condescending to Others Will Destroy Your Self-Esteem

Do you ever think you’re better than other people? Do you tend to assume others are worse than you or to criticize those around you? It’s a huge blunder! Looking down on others might undermine your own self-esteem. Let’s see how. Here we go! Being condescending to others destroys your self-esteem in 5 ways 1. You do ...

Ratul Saha

A young woman showing a condescending attitude.

How Is Genuine Self-Esteem Actually Developed?

Sometimes, you may feel bogged down owing to factors that may not be too obvious. Despite giving your best at the workplace and elsewhere, a sense of negativity and gloom may permeate your mind. There are days when you feel like staying disconnected from everything and everyone. This is often caused by low self-esteem. There ...

Raven Montmorency

A young fashionable bearded man wearing a scarf and sunglasses.

Teaching Children How to Be Kind to Family Members and Others

As parents, not only are you constantly trying to impart and teach your children core life values and lessons, but you are also teaching them how to be kind, along with the golden rules for good behavior. In providing children with life skills and lessons, the development of emotional intelligence is often overlooked. Children naturally ...

Emma Lu

A mother and daughter packing lunch together.