belonging, camaraderie, community, companionship, confidence building, emotional support, empathy, friendship, happiness, human connection, mental well-being, nurturing relationships, personal growth, positive self-image, self-worth, shared experiences, , trust, understanding, validation

Bonds Beyond Measure: The Art of Being a Friend

As we journey through the twists and turns of life, we encounter a fascinating mosaic of individuals. Among them, some merely brush against the surface of our lives, while others entwine themselves within our very being, becoming friends. These are the extraordinary people who not only add vibrant colors to your daily existence, but they ...

Viena Abdon

Friends embracing each other.

How To Stop Entitlement: The Road to Self-Development

Entitlement is something everyone feels. But in some cases, it can take over and turn your behavior into something hurtful and imposing for others. Here’s how to stop it. Before pointing the finger at others, learn how entitlement can affect your life. The real victim is you. Being entitled makes you do things you shouldn’t ...

Mike West

Stop entitlement.

How Productive You Are Does Not Determine Your Self-Worth

Growing up, we were often told by our peers that life is a rat race and we must run faster if we wish to achieve any happiness and self-worth in life. So deeply ingrained in our minds is this lesson that we forget to be happy living in the moment while we are chasing some ...

Armin Auctor

Tired woman with laptop at her desk, appearing stressed by problems.