ankle sprains, high-top shoes, low-top shoes, research base, shoe care

Do High-Top Shoes Actually Reduce Ankle Sprain Risk?

Ankle sprains are one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries, particularly in sports like netball, basketball, and football, where jumping, landing on one foot, and sudden direction changes are part of the game. Ankle sprains can be painful and debilitating and may result in ongoing ankle problems. In fact, people with a history of a ...

Troy Oakes

Black and white high top leather sneakers.

12 Tips to Extend the Lifespan of Your Shoes

Your shoes go through a lot and what thanks do you give them? Rainy days, dusty sidewalks, and grassy fields are just a few of the obstacles they are up against in an average year. Whether you’re wearing women’s supportive sneakers or tall leather combat boots, there’s a lot that can compromise the beauty of your new shoes. ...

Jessica Kneipp

A selection of women's shoes.