carl jung, coincidence, material, sigmund freud, spiritual

The Dream Theories of Carl Jung

Dr. Carl Jung was a Swiss-born psychoanalyst who greatly influenced the study of dreams. The theories of Carl Jung (1875-1961) remain a valuable source of guidance into the world of dreams. Many other theories have been proposed since his time. However, his analysis of the nature and meaning of dreaming still stands as the most ...

David Jirard

A girl dreaming.

The Enigma of Hypnotism: Unveiling the Realities of Mind Control

Hypnotism, a subject of both skepticism and fascination, has long been proven to exist beyond the realms of fiction and stage performances. Among the notable figures in the history of hypnotism stands Wolf Messing, a man whose extraordinary abilities left an indelible mark on the world and challenged our understanding of the human mind. While ...

Max Lu

Side view of a young man with the universe super-imposed and a spinning galaxy occupying the space where his brain would be.

Dreams: Do They Mean More?

Dreaming occurs during the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) cycle of sleep. During this period, your eyes move quickly around in different directions. REM sleep usually occurs approximately 90 minutes after falling asleep. As the brain is also more active during this time, dreams can range from mild to intense.  It is said that a dream is a ...

Katrina Hicks

Little girl travelling through dream world, floating on a big fallen leaf.