dad, father, internet's dad, rob kenney, , youtube

When People Using YouTube All Got an ‘Internet’s Dad’

The importance of good parenting is undoubtedly proven. Parents teach children to overcome adversities and protect them from atrocities. Yet proper parenting is limited to a few. Recently, tweets about a YouTube channel called “Dad, how do I?” got loads of attention from netizens. This channel, intended to help kids growing up without fathers, was ...

Raven Montmorency

Rob Kenney.

Experiences of ‘God’ Confer Lasting Benefits to Mental Health

People over the millennia have reported having deeply moving religious experiences either spontaneously or while under the influence of psychedelic substances, such as psilocybin-containing mushrooms or the Amazonian brew ayahuasca. A portion of those experiences has been encounters with what the person regards as “God” or “ultimate reality.” In a survey of thousands of people ...

Troy Oakes

Two raised hands around the setting sun.

Simple Way to Massively Improve Crop Loss Simulations

In a new study, researchers with NASA, the University of Chicago, and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research added data on when each specific region plants and harvests its crops — and found it was the single most effective way to improve crop loss simulations. Droughts or heat waves have consequences that spread beyond ...

Troy Oakes

People Can Sustainably Share Resources, Under Some Conditions

In an analysis of eight case studies from around the world — from foragers in Australia to mangrove fishers in Ecuador — researchers found that people can successfully sustainably share resources under certain conditions. Thus, there is no “tragedy” in the “tragedy of the commons,” according to a new analysis that challenges a widely accepted ...

Troy Oakes

The Real Power of ‘We’

A healthy relationship starts with the word “we.” Past research by UC Riverside psychologist Megan Robbins has emphasized the power of first-person personal pronouns such as “we” and “us” in relationships. “We-talk” is an indicator of interdependence, meaning partners affect one another’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This is a shift from self-oriented to relationship-oriented. New ...

Troy Oakes

Here’s Why It Is Important to Acknowledge Adolescents’ Perspectives

Across very different cultures — Ghana and the United States — when parents acknowledge adolescents’ perspectives and encourage them to express themselves, the youths have a stronger sense of self-worth, intrinsic motivation, and engagement, and also have less depression. Yet having the latitude to make decisions appears to function differently in the two cultures, with ...

Troy Oakes

Why You Also Need to Be Intelligent and Not Just Nice

New research has revealed how people being intelligent, rather than their personality traits, leads to success. Researchers at the Universities of Bristol, Minnesota, and Heidelberg devised a series of games to find out which factors lead to cooperative behavior when people interact in social and workplace situations. Their findings, due to be published in the Journal of ...

Troy Oakes