gene testing, strengthening immune system, weight loss

What Are the Health Benefits of Genetic Testing? (DNA Testing)

Want to know the health benefits of genetic testing? Did you know you can improve your immunity and lose weight through genetic testing? What if you could look into the making of your body and figure out what nutrients you need to run efficiently? Imagine you could take a peek at the software of your ...

Health by Nature

Are Breastfed Babies Better Protected Against Coronavirus?

There have been fewer reported instances of children being infected with the Wuhan coronavirus. The infection rate is relatively low, with one study out of Hubei Province, China, showing that of the 44,000 Wuhan coronavirus cases, just 2.2 percent involved children younger than 19 years of age. A new study now shows that breastfed babies ...

Raven Montmorency

A mother breastfeeding her baby.

Foods as Medicine: 12 Ingredients for Better Health

You can strengthen your immune system and maintain your health with good habits and a nutritious diet — e.g., better food, reducing your reliance on medication, and understanding foods as medicine. 12 beneficial foods that act as medicine 1. Bitter gourd (bitter melon): Hypoglycemic for the blood Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon, can ...

Raven Montmorency

Bitter melon.