anxiety, breathing exercises, coping strategies, emotional well-being, health tips, irritability, lifestyle changes, mental health, mindfulness, mood improvement, self-care, sleep quality, stress management

Managing Irritability: What Triggers Your Anger and How to Cope

Managing irritability can be one of the biggest challenges a human can face on their personal development journey. Feeling irritated is nothing out of the ordinary, and is a common emotional state in which people have a low tolerance for stimuli. This makes them easily bothered or upset by small things. Added worry, bad sleep, ...

Viena Abdon

Young woman bending at the waist and shouting toward the camera.

Unlocking the Secret to Longevity: The Power of Hormones and Happiness

For many, the pursuit of longevity is synonymous with regular exercise, quitting smoking, and abstaining from alcohol. While these factors are undoubtedly significant, Nobel laureate Elizabeth Blackburn and her colleagues have identified a more nuanced path to a centenarian life — hormones. Their research suggests that a balanced diet accounts for 25 percent of longevity; ...

Max Lu

A smiling elderly couple practice Tai Chi together in the park.

The Pitfalls of Negative News and How to Avoid Being Overwhelmed

News is a crucial part of your life because it helps you stay updated and informed. This enables you to make informed decisions about your interactions, business, and life. However, consuming too much news affects your mind and body, mainly because of sensationalization and too much focus on negative news. Something about the shock factor ...

Nathan Machoka

Good and bad news.

How to Make Time for Yourself

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to become engulfed in a whirlwind of responsibilities, commitments, and endless to-do lists. Amid this chaos, carving out time for oneself — an essential component of maintaining overall health — often falls by the wayside. Yet, setting aside time for personal care is not merely a luxury; it’s a ...

Viena Abdon

Man sitting at his desk trying to fend off co-workers intent on dumping their work on him.

7 Key Strategies for Unlocking Your Body’s Natural Healing Power

In the realm of health and wellness, it’s widely accepted that a staggering 90 percent of illnesses rely on the body’s own recuperative abilities to heal. Esteemed Japanese neurosurgeon Dr. Hiroshi Okamoto asserts that common ailments ranging from minor issues like colds and allergies to more severe conditions such as diabetes and hypertension fundamentally require ...

Mikel Davis

A man saluting the sun.

Rejuvenating Body and Mind: 5 Effective Methods to Combat Chronic Inflammation

Modern life can be exhausting, and those sandwiched between caring for both older and younger family members feel it even more. According to clinical experts, 80-90 percent of patients exhibit some level of fatigue. This is often due to chronic inflammation in the body. Let’s explore five methods to address inflammatory conditions and alleviate physical ...

Mikel Davis

Bearded man wearing a suit and tie sitting at his desk with eyes closed and with sticky notes that have open eyes drawn on them stuck to his face.

Anti-Aging Strategies: Achieving Youthful Vitality

Your body functions like a house that’s constantly undergoing “destruction” and “construction.” Aging, in essence, is when the body’s rate of destruction surpasses that of construction. By adopting the right methods to enhance bodily construction over destruction, you can not only slow down aging, but potentially reverse it, achieving a more youthful state. Strategies to ...

Mikel Davis

Mature couple embracing at the beach.

9 Simple Ways to Stop Overeating

Overeating can pose a challenge if you’re aiming for a balanced diet. However, it’s essential to understand that the definition of overeating is subjective. What might seem excessive to you could be a modest portion to someone else. Recognizing and acknowledging overeating is the foundational step in your dieting journey. Symptoms of overeating include gas, ...

Nathan Machoka

Man holding a burger with a bite out of it.

Empowering Yourself: 5 Ways to Break Free From Fear and Worry

You’re not alone if you’ve ever felt paralyzed by fear or worry. Many of us, if not all, know how it feels to be held back by this heavy emotion. Looking closely, it comes in many forms and differs for each person.  For others, it feels like a dread that never goes away, while some ...

Arianne Ayson

Overcome fear, doubt, and insecurity.