allicin, antioxidants, black garlic, blood sugar, cancer-fighting properties, cardiovascular health, fermentation process, health benefits, immunity, sulfur compounds, superfood, white garlic

Amazing Superfood: Why Black Garlic Is Becoming the New White Garlic

Garlic has been used for ages to flavor different meals, from meats and soups. It has also been used for its health benefits and medicinal purposes. The use of garlic can be dated back to ancient India, China, Greece, Rome, and Egypt.  Over time, a trending variation of white garlic has emerged, boasting robust health ...

Nathan Machoka

Black garlic.

Ghee and Its Health Benefits: The Golden Superfood of Indian Cuisine

Have you ever wondered why ghee, a staple of Indian cuisine, has been utilized for thousands of years as a healing superfood? This golden elixir, celebrated in both culinary and medicinal traditions, is packed with nutrients and healthy fats that can work wonders for your body and brain. Discover how incorporating just one or two ...

Viena Abdon

Clay pot with a spoon, both filled with ghee.

5 Health Benefits of Flaxseeds: A Superfood Worth Adding to Your Diet

Flaxseeds, scientifically known as Linum usitatissimum, are tiny, crunchy seeds with a nutty taste. Their color ranges from deep brown to light yellow when mature. They contain proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and minerals. There are several ways to prepare the seeds, and you can find one that suits your recipes or needs. You can ...

Nathan Machoka

Dark flaxseeds.

Can Beetroot Really Improve Athletic Performance?

Beetroot is gaining popularity as a performance-enhancer for athletes and those wanting to gain a competitive advantage in running and cycling. Some people juice beetroots, some eat it, and others mix up a drink from the powdered form. But will it make a noticeable difference in how quickly we run a race or cycle up ...

Troy Oakes

Beetroot juice and beetroots.

Is Indian Ghee Better Than Butter?

Indian ghee has made a triumphant return to the Indian kitchen in recent years, and what a triumphant return it has been. Ghee has been dubbed the “new superfood” after years of being associated with weight gain and poor health. It keeps your intestines healthy, is an excellent source of fat, and is also great ...

Ratul Saha

A spoonful of ghee.

The Superfood That Saw Ancient Andeans Through 2,500 Years of Turmoil

What if the superfood in Indigenous diets could save our politically and ecologically strained planet? The answer may lie in the success of an ancient civilization high in the Andes Mountains where not much grows. UC Berkeley archaeologists reconstructed the diets of ancient Andeans living around Lake Titicaca, which straddles Bolivia and Peru 12,500 feet ...

Troy Oakes

Stone circles in the Andes Mountains.

7 Healthy Reasons to Eat Camu Camu

Camu camu is a berry native to the Amazon rainforest region in South America. Considered a superfood, the fruit is growing in popularity in the U.S. Due to their acidic taste, these berries are not usually eaten raw by most people. Instead, they are blended into juices or used as a powder that is then ...

Raven Montmorency

Camu camu berries.

Kakadu Plum: Australia’s Very Own Superfood

The Kakadu plum is a fruit native to Australia and has been used by the Indigenous Aboriginal communities both as food and for medicinal purposes. They have a sour taste with an astringent finish and are best eaten when fully ripe.   Rich in vitamin C Kakadu plums are a storehouse of nutrients. Just 100 ...

Raven Montmorency

Kakadu plums.