american military, china, chinese military, hikvision, retirement funds, thrift savings plan, zte

American Military Retirement Fund to Support Chinese Military

Mike Waltz, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, has warned against funding the Chinese military through the retirement fund of American soldiers. A pool of about US$50 billion dollars belonging to the U.S. military personnel retirement fund will be invested in an index that includes companies from China that may be engaged in ...

Jack Roberts

An army skydiver.

Wall Street Fiddles While America Burns

The worldwide trail of destruction that comes with the spread of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus has forced countries to re-examine wholesale their relationships with the CCP regime. The United States is no exception, especially Wall Street. Courtesy of the regime, the entire world, overnight, fell into the devastating grip of the communist-level lockdown: ...

Michael Segarty

Wall Street.

Roger Robinson: How Communist China Will Fall Without American Money

Recently, Roger Robinson, who served as the senior director of international economic affairs at the National Security Council during the Reagan administration, gave an interview to NTDTV in which he revealed his views on China. Here is a brief look at the topics discussed during the interview. Thrift Savings Plan In November 2019, the Thrift ...

Jack Roberts

Roger Robinson.