animal symbolism, astrology, chinese influence, cultural traditions, dog, dragon, east asian culture, eto, folklore, horoscope, horse, japan, japanese zodiac, juunishi, lunar calendar, monkey, myth and legends, ox, personality traits, pig, rabbit, rat, rooster, sheep, snake, tiger, wild boar, zodiac animals

The Japanese Zodiac: Which Animal Are You?

Japan is a country steeped in rich cultural traditions and folklore. The Japanese have a deep connection with nature, reflected in their symbolic use of animals.  These creatures, whether real or mythical, have profound meanings in Japanese society. Over time, they have been woven into 12 zodiac animals known as juunishi, each representing a year ...

Nathan Machoka

Twelve animals of the Japanese zodiac.

An Unexpected Bond Between 3 Animals

You may have all seen some charming bonds among animals. And that may range from dogs to cows, doves to foxes and cats. There is even a bond between a giraffe and an ostrich. But nothing compares to these three unexpected buddies, an American black bear, an African lion, and a Bengal tiger, living peacefully. ...

Viena Abdon

A bear, lion, and tiger.

A Kind Heart Tames a Tiger

The enchanting legend A Kind Heart Tames a Tiger comes from Treasured Tales of China Vol. 2 This book is filled with historical stories and legends that foster morality and virtue. The short stories take us back to ancient times in China and the book sparkles with wisdom. It is translated by Dora Li and edited by Evan ...

Jessica Kneipp

Close-up of a tiger's eye.

Ancient Origins: The Year of the Tiger

Lunar New Year is one of the most important holidays in the East, and unlike the Western New Year, it is celebrated on multiple days. February 1st marked the start of the 2022 Chinese New Year, which is the Year of the Tiger — 2022 is the Year of the Water Tiger. Representing bravery, strength, ...

Tatiana Denning

Young Asian men performing as lion dancers.

Popular Chinese Phrases Based on the Character for Tiger: 虎

There are many popular Chinese phrases that are based on the Chinese character for tiger, 虎 (pronounced hǔ). This is a popular symbol among non-Chinese because of the strength of the animal it represents, as well as the beauty of the Chinese character itself. In most cultures, the tiger is a fascinating creature. In Chinese ...

Max Lu

A snarling tiger.

Find Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

The characteristics of Chinese zodiac signs can be surprisingly accurate. To find your Chinese zodiac sign, you can use the Chinese calendars and charts that we have prepared for our readers. Here’s how to use them. The Chinese zodiac cycle repeats every 12 years, starting with the Rat sign. You are assigned an animal sign ...

Emma Lu

A cartoon rendering of the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodia: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

5 Powerful Signs of the Chinese Zodiac

On the surface, some people do not appear to be special. They have no status and lead a normal life working 9 to 5 seemingly without ambition or aspiration. Little do people realize that these people are actually working hard in preparation for their future. In addition, they are powerful; eventually, such people will come ...

David Jirard

A display of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac.

Meet the Tame Tiger Cub Breast-Fed by a Sow

The influence mothers can have on their young ones is quite profound. This does not only apply to human beings, but as the following story shows, it applies to animals like this tiger cub as well. This is how the story began. In a Thailand zoo, there was a little tiger born that, just after ...

Hermann Rohr

the sow and the tiger cub