anti-aging foods, black rice, blood sugar management, brown rice, diabetes, kidney nourishment, natural remedies, nutrition, purple rice, rice cooking tips, rice for health, spleen health, traditional chinese medicine, white rice benefits

Rice for Health: Exploring the Nutritional Powerhouse in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The ancient saying “five grains for nourishment” speaks to the enduring wisdom that grains have been fundamental in maintaining good health, with rice congee once serving as a medicinal remedy. Despite today’s highly developed and widespread processed foods, the nutritional value of these grains remains irreplaceable. The earliest Chinese medical text, the Yellow Emperor’s Classic ...

Max Lu

Bowls full of different kinds of rice, including white rice, brown rice, and black rice.

The Acupuncture of the Song Dynasty

Medical acupuncture seems to be the unnoticed sibling of modern medicine. Despite modern misconceptions that view traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as slower than modern medicine in treating illnesses, ancient Chinese medical texts are filled with instances where diseases were cured swiftly. Many complex and stubborn illnesses, unresponsive to medications, were healed instantly through acupuncture. Modern ...

Hermann Rohr

Silver needles for traditional Chinese acupuncture medicine on a wooden table.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Sleep

There’s a saying: “Medicine nourishes less than food, and food nourishes less than sleep.” Indeed, it can be considered the premier form of rejuvenation. As the proverb goes: “A good night’s sleep revitalizes you, while a restless night drains your energy.” Hence, the quality of sleep is closely tied to our overall health. The risks ...

Mikel Davis

Bedroom with nightstands and lamps beside the bed.

6 Key Tips for Autumn Health from Traditional Chinese Medicine

As autumn sets in, the weather becomes progressively cold and dry. Many people start to experience symptoms like coughing, phlegm, eczema flare-ups, or nasal allergies. How can we utilize the traditional Chinese knowledge of seasonal rhythms for better health during this time? Guo Dawei, the director of Fu Yuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Taiwan, ...

Max Lu

A couple standing on a wooden walkway overlooking a lake surrounded by trees with colorful leaves in autumn with mountains in the background.

Overcoming Depression: A Holistic Approach

Depression, often referred to as the “common cold of the mind,” can be a challenging condition to navigate. While seeking professional help is crucial, there are also self-care practices that can aid in overcoming this mental health issue. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) suggests focusing on three key areas: avoiding triggers in daily routines, incorporating beverages ...

Max Lu

A sad young woman.

The Power of Emotional Healing in Traditional Chinese Medicine

“The heart’s ailment requires the heart’s remedy,” remarked Zhang Jingyue, a renowned physician from the Ming Dynasty. He believed that diseases resulting from unresolved thoughts can only be cured when emotional desires are met and satisfied. Traditional Chinese medicine and emotional healing There are various psychological therapies in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Most of them ...

Emma Lu

Double rainbow over a field of yellow flowers with a tree in the background.

Li Youfu, Master of Supernormal Abilities (Part 3)

In time, Li Youfu’s acupoint technique became as he wished, and he could save people. He went on to learn additional techniques and helped many people. Here are a few such stories. The ability to cure disease One year, a man went hunting in Huairou, Beijing, but accidentally fell from the mountain and became paralyzed. ...

Tatiana Denning

Li Youfu practicing martial arts in the mountains.

Stories of Ancient Healing Wisdom: Fighting Epidemics With Traditional Chinese Medicine

The world has been stricken with an epidemic so mysterious that even after three years of research using precise instruments, Western medicine has not fully understood its toxicity, nor has it developed the most accurate vaccine or prescription. Modern Chinese medicine, too, has failed to genuinely inherit the essence and intricacies contained in ancient traditional ...

Mikel Davis

Traditional Chinese herbal medicines.

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Lotus Seeds

Are you looking for a one-of-a-kind health booster? Lotus seeds might just be what you need. Explore the fascinating health benefits of these seeds and their significance in traditional Chinese medicine. What are lotus seeds? Lotus seeds, also known as “Lian Zi” in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), are often used in procedures due to their ...

Haidene Go

Lotus seeds.