art, celebrations, coffee, culture, finland, happiness, independence day, sauna, traditions

From Shock to Awe: Embracing Finland’s Unique Cultural Landscape

Finland’s culture, which is full of history, goes against the idea that it is always dark and snowy. Even though they are called “shy,” Finns are very friendly and sure of themselves. Natural beauty, like the Northern Lights, lakes, and woods, is a big part of what makes the country unique. Traditions like sauna routines ...

Viena Abdon

Helsinki, Finland.

5 Unique Coffee Traditions Around the World

Coffee is more than just a drink. It’s the second most sold good in the world, after oil. As a result, coffee traditions have become symbols of hospitality and social contact in many countries. Coffee’s cultural significance extends beyond its stimulating properties. It expresses heritage, history, and unique practices. This article will explore the five ...

Viena Abdon

A green mug full of coffee surrounded by coffee beans.

Welcoming the Wood Dragon: A Look Into the Year 2024

The dragon is a unique figure in Chinese culture. It stands for strength, honor, luck, and success. People worship the dragon as a supernatural being with unmatched talents and greatness. But this creature is more than just a zodiac sign in China and Japan; it’s a symbol with a long history in myth and tradition.  ...

Viena Abdon

Portrait of an Asian dragon swimming in the sea.

The Magic of the Northern Lights: Tales and Legends from Around the World

The enchanting dance of the northern lights has captivated people ever since they settled in the North. If you’ve ever had the chance to see the northern lights, you’ll see why cultures across the North formed myths and legends around them. Today, we know that the northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis, are ...

Nathan Machoka

Spectacular display of intense northern lights in Canada.

Greetings Around the Globe: Cultural Ways to Say Hello

Cultural greetings around the globe can vary greatly. As an avid traveler, learning to say “hello” in the local language is one of the first things you must try to pick up. It’s a sign of respect that goes a long way in connecting with new people. The most common greetings used worldwide and their ...

Viena Abdon

A group of ethnically diverse school children smiling and waving at the camera.

Chinese Copper Coins and the Ancient Way of Doing Business

Chinese copper coins have a long history. They contain the wisdom of the Chinese people and symbolize the way of doing business based on honesty and integrity. The meaning of copper coins Before the reign of Qin Shi Huang (259-210 B.C.), Chinese copper coins had many shapes due to the many warring states. After Qin ...

Mikel Davis

Three old Chinese coins with red cord tied through the square holes in the middle sit in front of a book on a wooden surface.

5 Gifts You Should Avoid Giving to Chinese

Giving presents shows how much you care about that person and value your connections. When you offer someone a gift, no matter the reason, you typically express your feelings of affection and gratitude for them. But in Chinese culture, specific presents are taboo because of their bad luck implications.  When are Chinese gifts given? Gift-giving ...

Viena Abdon

Chinese gift-giving.

The Days Earth Stands Still: The True Gifts of Christmas and New Year

This year 2022 is a Christmas to remember.  The greatest gift of all, and anyone will undoubtedly agree, is health. On Christmas and New Year, this means being able to spend time with family, friends, and extended relatives. It’s ironic how we take these iconic things for granted, like being more caring and spending quality ...

Hermann Rohr

Christmas and New Year's greeting.