character traits, friendship, true friends

4 Character Traits That Define a True Friend

Friendships can majorly impact your health and well-being, but it’s not always easy to develop or maintain friendships. Understand the importance of social connection in your life and what you can do to build and nurture lasting friendships. What are the benefits of friendship? Friends can help you celebrate good times and provide support during ...

Emma Lu

Friendship in Chinese and English carved into a stone.

9 Character Traits of True Friends

There is a famous Chinese proverb: “Your world outlook shall be influenced by your true friends as well as by your own conduct. So whom you associate with, you will likely behave like them or be affected by them” If you’re working with a positive person, you’ll become much sunnier; if you’re working with a negative person, you’ll ...

Michael Segarty

Aged brothers laughing while sitting on a sofa together.

3 Kinds of People Are Hard to Find: Cherish Them in Your Life

There is a certain kind of individual that is rare to have in your life. Time will reveal whether the people that come into your life are merely passing acquaintances or special souls who come into your world for you to cherish for an entire lifetime. Cherish your true friends, because they all have 3 special ...

Michael Segarty

Cherish your true friends.