accountability, employee engagement, empowerment, , goal setting, leadership, performance improvement, problem-solving, team management, trust

How to Hold People to Accountability While Empowering Them

Accountability is not just a buzzword; it’s the backbone of effective team management, ensuring that goals set with precision are met within the stipulated standards and deadlines. It’s the magical ingredient that propels teams toward success. For leaders, this means not only setting the stage with clear objectives, but also keeping a diligent eye on ...

Nathan Machoka

A business team meeting.

Beyond Words: The Value of Keeping Your Promises

The two words “I promise” carry a lot of weight, which is why when people break promises, it can create a crack in the relationship and lead to a loss of trust. Some may argue that not all promises hold the same weight. However, whichever way you look at it, a commitment is still a ...

Arianne Ayson

Young businessman in a navy suit wearing glasses.

Integrity in Business: The Bedrock of Trust and Success

Integrity stands as one of the most cherished virtues, timeless and universal. Regardless of the era — ancient or modern — or country or domain, this trait is ever-valued. An individual can have immense talents and skills, but if their moral fiber is questionable, no reputable organization would willingly employ them. As the adage goes: ...

Max Lu

Business skyscrapers in reflection in La Defense financial district in Paris, France.

Disagreeing Gracefully: How to Foster Understanding in a Polarized World

Most of us have found ourselves embroiled in a heated disagreement, feeling so hurt or frustrated that we vow never to speak to the other party again. But in retrospect, where exactly did things go awry? Could the conversation have taken a radically different turn if we had approached it with more understanding and grace? ...

Nathan Machoka

Man and woman in a heated argument.

Nurturing Bonds: Cultivating Trust in Relationships

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Without it, relationships crumble and connections fade. But this isn’t something that just happens — it requires effort and nurturing to build and maintain. The good news is that this article will serve as your guide to nurturing bonds by cultivating trust in your relationships and transforming ...

Viena Abdon

Illustration of a man and woman, face to face, with tender, loving looks on their faces.

Cherish These 3 Things in Life

Life is short, and we spend our lifetime without much regret. Here are some tips for you to consider. 3 things to cherish in life 1. The best investment is your health A classmate who has worked in a large company for many years after graduation resigned and returned to Wuhan from Shanghai two years ...

Emma Lu

Two women stretching in an exercise class at the beach.

Bonds Beyond Measure: The Art of Being a Friend

As we journey through the twists and turns of life, we encounter a fascinating mosaic of individuals. Among them, some merely brush against the surface of our lives, while others entwine themselves within our very being, becoming friends. These are the extraordinary people who not only add vibrant colors to your daily existence, but they ...

Viena Abdon

Friends embracing each other.

Harmonious Coexistence: 5 Tips to Navigate Roommate Life With Ease

Let’s say that you’ve finally moved out of your parents’ house and into your own place with a roommate. While gaining independence and saving money on rent can be exciting, living with someone new also brings day-to-day challenges. For a harmonious coexistence, it’s important to establish a good foundation from the start. 5 tips to ...

Viena Abdon

Smiling young woman helps her roommate hang a picture.

The Art of Believing: Cultivating a Heart of Faith

In the vastness of human experience, faith stands as an enduring thread that weaves through cultures, religions, and individuals across time. This is more than a mere belief; it is a profound trust and conviction in something greater than yourself. Whether religious or secular, faith holds the potential to uplift and transform lives. In this ...

Viena Abdon

Aerial view of a few spotted clouds and the shining sun on the horizon.