extraterrestrials, omnec onec, ufos, venus

UFO Secrets Revealed by Woman From Venus

Omnec Onec, the woman who claims to come from Venus, has revealed secrets on how aliens and extra-terrestrials live on other planets. She says there are extra-terrestrial beings from other planets who came to our solar system long ago from four different galaxies. The alien worlds also exist on a different frequency invisible to the ...

Believe It Or Not

Omnec Onec: Ambassador From Venus

Omnec Onec was born on the astral level of the planet Venus and came to Earth with her own physical body in 1955. In the 1990s, she became publicly known with her autobiography From Venus I Came. In 1992, Dr. John Gray, an American psychologist wrote a book called Men are from Mars, Women are from ...

Armin Auctor

The planet Venus.

How Long Is 1 Day on Venus?

Venus is an enigma. It’s the planet next door and yet reveals little about itself. An opaque blanket of clouds smothers a harsh landscape pelted by acid rain and baked at temperatures that can liquify lead. Now, new observations from the safety of Earth are lifting the veil on some of Venus’ most basic properties. By ...

Troy Oakes

The planet Venus.

Looking for Pieces of Venus? Try the Moon

A growing body of research suggests the planet Venus may have had an Earth-like environment billions of years ago, with water and a thin atmosphere. Yet testing such theories is difficult without geological samples to examine. The solution, according to Yale astronomers Samuel Cabot and Gregory Laughlin, may be closer than anyone realized. Cabot and ...

Troy Oakes

A comet striking Venus.

Venus’ Ancient Layered, Folded Rocks Point to Volcanic Origin

An international team of researchers has found that some of the oldest terrain on Venus, known as tesserae, has layering that seems consistent with volcanic activity. The finding could provide insights into the enigmatic planet’s geological history. Tesserae are tectonically deformed regions on the surface of Venus that are often more elevated than the surrounding ...

Troy Oakes

A volcano.

Scientists Find Evidence That Venus Has Active Volcanoes

New research led by Universities Space Research Association (USRA) and published in Science Advances shows that lava flows on Venus may be only a few years old, suggesting that the planet could be volcanically active today — making it the only planet in our solar system, other than Earth, with recent eruptions. Dr. Justin Filiberto, the study’s lead ...

Troy Oakes

Venus and Earth.